Crappy Moment


Senior Insider
I listen to a lot of music. I can reprocess most tunes. I can find just about anything online, in HQ quality.

I'm thinking of dumping my tons of vinyl and CDs. That'll be a few dumpster's full. I'm gonna pull the trigger in the next few days. I'm tired.

Luv y'all,

You can probably make some money selling the vinyl. Lots of people still love it and you can't get that old stuff any more.

I always search flea markets and used record stores for cool old lps. Mostly for the cover art. Actually, totally for the cover art.

They sell these "record album frames" that you can slide the old lp jackets into that make great wall hangings if you're into that sort of thing.
I know where there is a stash of old vinyl -- with French covers!


Voosh, get a grip and rethink this! Rest and go at it with a clear head. I think you would regret any decision you make in haste to trash your lifelong collection. Just sayin', IMHO. Amy
I did it and it was one of the dumbest things I've ever done and I would give anything for a "do over".....I also got rid of my TEAC reel to reel, which I loved and should have never gotten rid of
I still have hundreds of vinyl albums (at least the ones my son didn't take) and a classic AR turntable. I probably should digitize it and put it on my iPod although I'm not sure if iTunes will want to make me pay for the privilege. Many are not likely searchable.

Most of the music on my iPod did not come from iTunes. Most of it was from CDs that I had previously ripped using a different software package. iTunes recognized the music and imported it from the "other" library when I finally bought an iPod and installed iTunes.
Kevin is correct, no charge (yet). When iTunes first came out I can remember sitting in front of my Mac reading CDs in one after another all weekend long. One big change through the years is the ability to import at higher bit rates. Also, only commercial CDs have the data base key "built in" for the data base search. Any track can be manually updated.
I also have almost all my iPod music ripped from CDs. Yet iTunes seemed to object to some of them when I last synced. Not sure what's going on. I think Google music from the cloud on Android will force a change to Apple's restrictive policies.
Thnx. I may rethink. But really. How much stuff can you hang on to? I still have my first bass from 1965. It kinda still works. One of the best guitar tweakers on the planet told me last month it's worthless as a working instrument. But, worth a lot as a collector's item. Do they make picture frames that big? I still use my original bass amp (Ampeg B15) that I probably could never part with.


If I follow through with the house cleaning thoughts. It's all yours. Just pay the shipping. I'll even throw in a Linn or two. :)
I have seen vinyl art and shed tears because they were no longer music records.......what a way to go
Same here. But Voosh would not just discard-he would pass them along.

We gave our vinyls to our nephew while he was a student at Grinell in Iowa. He played them on the school's classic rock station
I couldn't bear to see all this being recycled. It's music. Ya have to listen to it. Not make ashtrays. IMHO.
how about putting them for sale on craigslist in your town, voosh? or contact the local university's student-run radio station.