Film: My Octopus Teacher

Jim Kelly-Evans

Senior Insider
My Octopus Teacher won the Oscar for Best Documentary recently. Dan and I just watched the film and we were both in awe of it. The photography is spectacular and the story of bonding between a man and his wild octopus friend in very touching. The film is available to stream on Netflix and I highly recommend it.
We have friends who after watching the movie you commented, say they will never eat octopus again. The intelligence and apparent emotions/ feelings portrayed in the movie makes it difficult to consider ian octopus as say a salad or main course.
We have friends who after watching the movie you commented, say they will never eat octopus again. The intelligence and apparent emotions/ feelings portrayed in the movie makes it difficult to consider ian octopus as say a salad or main course.

Yes, I've been pescatarian for years, sans octopus and squid. But I ask myself frequently, how can you continue to eat your friends? Last night during our return to a favorite French bistro I enjoyed a fully vegetarian meal, not the easiest thing to do with French cuisine. The movie is such a powerful human interest story in addition to being a beautiful look at nature. It really blew us away.