I just had to do it. As soon as Apple's Boot Camp was announced I downloaded it and installed a Window XP partition on my Intel MacBook Pro. It runs v


Senior Insider
Mac Man and Windows XP

I just had to do it. As soon as Apple's Boot Camp was announced I downloaded it and installed a Window XP partition on my Intel MacBook Pro. It runs very well on the Apple hardware and although I probably will never use it I have bragging rights. Also downloaded a beta of an app called Parallel that allows one to run a XP window while running OS X (i.e. no reboot required). Not as fast as the native boot, but much, much faster than MS's Virtual PC on a Mac.
There. I feel better.
Re: Mac Man and Windows XP

If you're not going to run anything on XP, you just succeeded in reducing the available disk space. I think that parallel app sounds interesting. How does it know what app to run on what OS. Do you do that at install? What about new downloads from a browser where you have a choice (Office?)? How do you decide? What about indexing your files? Do you need two file systems? What about shared files? What about desktop search? etc. etc.

I think it's a pretty clever marketing move for Apple. If you want a Mac but don't want to give up Windows applications, you can talk yourself into one. I don't know whether the reality is as easy as it seems, though.
Re: Mac Man and Windows XP

Only 5GB of wasted space, plus I'm going to a Microsoft CIO conference next month and I'm looking forward to having XP up with that big Apple logo :)
Parallel allows you to load any guest Windows OS and then you are locked into that environment. If you browse from there you are browsing in Windows for Windows apps. You can load anything you want from the guest. As this is a beta not much is shared between the host and guest, but I'm sure that will change. Virtual PC allows drag and drop movement of files and clipboard sharing.
Re: Mac, Windows: "take this badge off of me"

Low market share as a badge of honor for Mac faithful? Is that Steve Jobs singing along with Bobby D........"I can't use it anymore".......