St Jean 2008


Senior Insider
Before the invasion of the beach clubs
Doesn’t count. It was there as long as I can remember and became part of the landscape. There was nothing on the beach up to Nikki.
Not sure what you mean, Andy, by saying that there was nothing on the beach up to Nikki — maybe you are meaning along the stretch of beach near the present site of Nikki Beach?

There was, actually, a small “cold water case,” as described by Brook Lacour, where she & Roget lived for a time. There also was the Beach Club, which was the first restaurant in which Wendy & I ate dinner in 1978. And next to it, on site of Nikki Beach today, was “Le Pelican.” Truly days of “Sorry No Telephone!”
There was Michael Zimmer's Le Camp as of the 70s (now Camp David), a family called Galinsky who had a lovely stone house, the cottage Dennis is talking about... but more set back than the restaurants that are there today... Le Pelican was replaced by Nikki as Dennis mentioned and then the Beach Club which was gone by 1989... then of course Eden Rock...
There was Michael Zimmer's Le Camp as of the 70s (now Camp David), a family called Galinsky who had a lovely stone house, the cottage Dennis is talking about... but more set back than the restaurants that are there today... Le Pelican was replaced by Nikki as Dennis mentioned and then the Beach Club which was gone by 1989... then of course Eden Rock...
Le Pelican had the best mousse desert. 3rd night on our honeymoon.
Back then we used to rent the old BDM villa which was basically at the spot the picture was taken. In the evening after Nikki had closed we would walk that beach up to Eden Rock or go for a swim at night when there wasn't another soul around. On a trip in November 2022 we saw a construction crane on the site where BDM was and I am guessing that the owner finally sold out. It was a very charming place with one of the best pools ever. That house was made for entertaining. It had the most ridiculous amount of tableware I have ever encountered. Could have set a table for 50.