Re: AirStMaarten confirms entry
Bingo. The thing that has been most dispiriting about the pandemic is discovering how many of my fellow citizens are more akin to sheep. I’m really hoping they are a minority and that once we hit June 1 when anyone who wants a vaccine has’s time to let everyone back in the pool. Those who wish to stay home may do so...those who wish to wear a mask may do so...but the government should be out of it at that point.
you say this better than anyone Lawshark. So many people will hop on the bandwagon just because a scientist or a doctor says to do it.
The vaccine is still in its infancy, who knows what side effects are waiting for those who have already taken it years from now.
Have people died from the virus, yes plenty have died, but people die of all sorts of diseases too. the regular flu kills many also. People have definitely died from getting the vaccine also. Some people don't want that risk. Why ostracize persons who decide the vaccine is not the miracle that is being touted?
Use your gut instincts and you will come out okay.
I had covid in January 2020 before the world released any info regarding this virus. I finally got tested and I do have the antibodies. according to the latest data of people who had covid from nine months ago, the antibodies against covid are still high.
Was the virus that I had bad? you betcha, almost 3 weeks of misery, no taste, no smell, passing out, and crawling across the floor to go to the bathroom, should have been in a hospital, but I felt too sick to go there, if that makes any sense to anyone.
Do I think the vaccine is a good idea, I think its good if you want it. I also think its okay not to get the vaccine. If I could go back and choose between taking the vaccine verses getting the covid virus, I would choose the virus every time.