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BVI sailboat trip.
January 24th to February 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] 2014.
Invited down to BVI’s by a friend from Antigua to sail around for a week. I thought about it for a second, maybe two, and said yes. It was short notice as the trip was only a few weeks away. Lisa and I would be sailing with my friend, Dominic, and his girlfriend, Amber.
Nice 8:30am flight out of Tampa on Jet Blue. Arrived in San Juan 12:15, on time, and then time came to a standstill. Had to exit the arrival side to find the Cape Air desk and then back through security to try to catch my flight to Beef Island. Security was so slow. I mean, the TSA folks were laughing and joking and cutting up. A dead run to the Cape Air boarding area thinking the flight was all but leaving us behind. What a fool I am. My 1:25 departure left at 3:45….. With no explanation. I do not like San Juan airport.
So we fly for about an hour, in the clouds, rain, zero visibility, not a lot of fun. There are two small children on board. They must have been scared silent. Up until we got on the small 9 seat plane they were fighting and whining. Our small plane starts flying in a big circle, round and round we go. I’m watching the altimeter and we are not losing any, just flying in a big circle.

Suddenly, a break in the cloud, the pilot dives the plane through the hole and just like that, there’s the airport. Wisk through Customs in lightning speed, 30 minute taxi ride and we’re at the marina and soon having a cocktail on the boat. She is nice, for a sailboat I mean. A relatively new 50’ Beneteau (monohull) sailboat. Most of the sailboats down this way are catamarans. With only four of us on board there will be plenty of room.
Our friends are already on board having flown over from their home in Antigua the day before. We start the task of provisioning the boat for our week long jaunt around the BVI’s. Lots of wine, ok, lots and lots of wine……. A fair size grocery store is a block or so away. Walk over, fill two carts and take a taxi back to the boat. The boat has a large refrigerator and freezer, plenty of cabinets for storing everything out of the way.
We spend Friday night on board at the dock, cooking steaks on the grill, wine and a perfect breeze. Saturday morning and we’re ready to cut the lines and sail. Attended the mandatory briefing Saturday morning and get a fast run down on the boat. Cut the dock line around noontime, first stop, Norman’s island, a short few hours sail. Every morning gave us a new sunrise view, and it seemed like each day tried to out due the day before.

With the wind blowing around 15-18 knots, the sail over was perfect. In less than 3 hours we were tied to a mooring ball surrounded by island music, beautiful yachts and pretty girls doing what they do down here. Show offs. I won’t continuously mention the antics of the sailor girls, but just know that every anchorage brought out the best of them. Maybe it was the rum.
Norman’s is a good first night out. Willy T’s is here. Google Willy T's BVI and you'll get the idea. If you can get to, and leave, Willy T before dinner you must be a saint. It’s our first “pain killer” of the trip. Wait, I meant to say it’s our first 4 pain killers of the first night of the trip. It’s rum and maybe something else, but mostly rum. How we made dinner I’ll never know.

Dinner at the “Pirate” was exceptional. It was the best dinner of the week, except maybe our own grill cooking on-board. Conch chowder, curried chicken and more pain killler’s. It took all our strength not to go back to Willy’s after dinner. But it was very obvious that the much younger crowd had taken over. The music was no longer island music, it was more ear-splitting teckno something or other. We were moored just far enough to not be bothered by the sound. So there is your first lesson, if you come here, do not take a mooring close to Willy’s, they party all night and it is very loud.

Sailed off from Norman’s at noon, much later than we wanted to but the pain killers kept us laying around trying to find our bearings. The sail to Virgin Gorda was perfect. 15 to 20 knots winds is great in this boat. Captured a mooring ball, showers and hit the Bitter End Yacht Club for dry land and happy hour. First mistake of the day, we dinked over to Leverick Bay for a cocktail and then had to come back against wind and waves after dark. Another shower and off to dinner at Bitter End. Fantastic dinner, a few more pain killers and back to the yacht for, well, more pain killers. No AC needed, the breeze is blowing great. Fact is we didn’t run the generator all week for AC. We run the engine 2 hours in the morning and evening to keep the batteries up which keeps the refrigeration units running fine.

Second day in Virgin Gorda was more of the same, perfect weather. Lisa and I jumped ship at noon and met up with a cabbie at Gunn Creek for a day of adventure. An ex pat we met at Leverick gave us the number of a cabbie, Stambu, that would hang with us for a great island tour. He was great. We did The Baths, I of course slipped and almost became a Med Flight candidate, and we did some sightseeing around the island. He took us to one of the highest point on the island, the Hog Heaven bar and grill, that had the most wonderful view towards Virgin Gorda and the Bitter End. The people here are all very friendly. Our cabbie picked up about 15 kids (10 year olds) from the school, and we dropped them off at their houses. It was great fun!

A ferry ride back to the Bitter End Yacht Club from Gun Creek and then the water taxi back to the boat, a quick shower and off to dinner at Saba island. Saba is right next to the Bitter End. Dinner sucked. A great price, a buffet, but kind of like dinner at something even less than Golden Corral. The location was perfect; the food was about a 2 on a scale of 10.
Overnight on the yacht was again, perfect.
So now it’s Tuesday, and we plan to head to Anegada Island. A few hours sail in deep Caribbean water. The passing can be perfect or a nightmare. We had 18- 20 knot winds, 6 and the occasional 10 foot seas. The crossing was absolutely perfect. The approach makes my blood pressure steadily rise, water disappears under the boat and coral heads clearly show all around. The entrance channel shows 7ft on the finder, our yacht draws 6 feet……………. Once inside we found a mooring ball and quickly tied up. During the mooring ball maneuvering Dominic slipped and cut a toe, bled all over our nice white deck, in front of all the other yachties at anchor. I piloted in, so I had a drink and a cigar first off. Nerves calmed, all is good. I can smell the lobster grilling on the beach from here…. I must add, I never dreamed that I would make it here, Anegada Island. The view from anchor is breath taking. If you get down this way do not miss this island. It can be a little difficult to get to which makes it that much better to be here.
The mooring field filled up with cats and a few mono hulls, lots of people having lots of fun. The sailor girls are out in force and the view from our boat is stellar no matter which direction you look. The mooring guy came out and we paid up, $30. was the going rate all over the BVI’s. He suggested Whistling Pines for dinner. We took his suggestion and had a great lobster, drinks and a great sunset here. The seating is right on the beach, toes in the sand. As we sat down, Lisa leaned a little too far back in her chair and it slowly sank in the soft beach sand. She ended up on her back, feet in the air, laughing hysterically. Word of advice, take great care when approaching the beach, lots of coral and shallow water. Use the dingy docks for sure.
The next morning we went ashore at Potters (restaurant and dingy dock) and met up with a taxi driver named “Domo” and traveled around the island. Goats, white sand beaches, Tee shirts and pain killers. Late lunch at Cow Wreak,, God comes here for vacation I’m sure, or close by I think… Lobster lobster lobster. Best burger, cheese and bacon. Great service and on the beach with a view forever. If you can get here, you can rent a little beach side cottage, private, for not a lot of money. I can see coming back and hanging out.
Whistling Pines Restaurant

Potters Grill and Bar

Beach on Anegada

Another nice night on the boat. A little rain in the morning to wash the boat and a perfect sunrise. As we prepared to cast off we found our mooring lines had twisted around the shackle and mooring ball. The mooring guy in his little boat saved the day and off we sailed towards Jost Van Dyke. Again a perfect sail with great winds and seas.
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January 24th to February 2[SUP]nd[/SUP] 2014.
Invited down to BVI’s by a friend from Antigua to sail around for a week. I thought about it for a second, maybe two, and said yes. It was short notice as the trip was only a few weeks away. Lisa and I would be sailing with my friend, Dominic, and his girlfriend, Amber.
Nice 8:30am flight out of Tampa on Jet Blue. Arrived in San Juan 12:15, on time, and then time came to a standstill. Had to exit the arrival side to find the Cape Air desk and then back through security to try to catch my flight to Beef Island. Security was so slow. I mean, the TSA folks were laughing and joking and cutting up. A dead run to the Cape Air boarding area thinking the flight was all but leaving us behind. What a fool I am. My 1:25 departure left at 3:45….. With no explanation. I do not like San Juan airport.
So we fly for about an hour, in the clouds, rain, zero visibility, not a lot of fun. There are two small children on board. They must have been scared silent. Up until we got on the small 9 seat plane they were fighting and whining. Our small plane starts flying in a big circle, round and round we go. I’m watching the altimeter and we are not losing any, just flying in a big circle.

Suddenly, a break in the cloud, the pilot dives the plane through the hole and just like that, there’s the airport. Wisk through Customs in lightning speed, 30 minute taxi ride and we’re at the marina and soon having a cocktail on the boat. She is nice, for a sailboat I mean. A relatively new 50’ Beneteau (monohull) sailboat. Most of the sailboats down this way are catamarans. With only four of us on board there will be plenty of room.
Our friends are already on board having flown over from their home in Antigua the day before. We start the task of provisioning the boat for our week long jaunt around the BVI’s. Lots of wine, ok, lots and lots of wine……. A fair size grocery store is a block or so away. Walk over, fill two carts and take a taxi back to the boat. The boat has a large refrigerator and freezer, plenty of cabinets for storing everything out of the way.
We spend Friday night on board at the dock, cooking steaks on the grill, wine and a perfect breeze. Saturday morning and we’re ready to cut the lines and sail. Attended the mandatory briefing Saturday morning and get a fast run down on the boat. Cut the dock line around noontime, first stop, Norman’s island, a short few hours sail. Every morning gave us a new sunrise view, and it seemed like each day tried to out due the day before.

With the wind blowing around 15-18 knots, the sail over was perfect. In less than 3 hours we were tied to a mooring ball surrounded by island music, beautiful yachts and pretty girls doing what they do down here. Show offs. I won’t continuously mention the antics of the sailor girls, but just know that every anchorage brought out the best of them. Maybe it was the rum.
Norman’s is a good first night out. Willy T’s is here. Google Willy T's BVI and you'll get the idea. If you can get to, and leave, Willy T before dinner you must be a saint. It’s our first “pain killer” of the trip. Wait, I meant to say it’s our first 4 pain killers of the first night of the trip. It’s rum and maybe something else, but mostly rum. How we made dinner I’ll never know.

Dinner at the “Pirate” was exceptional. It was the best dinner of the week, except maybe our own grill cooking on-board. Conch chowder, curried chicken and more pain killler’s. It took all our strength not to go back to Willy’s after dinner. But it was very obvious that the much younger crowd had taken over. The music was no longer island music, it was more ear-splitting teckno something or other. We were moored just far enough to not be bothered by the sound. So there is your first lesson, if you come here, do not take a mooring close to Willy’s, they party all night and it is very loud.

Sailed off from Norman’s at noon, much later than we wanted to but the pain killers kept us laying around trying to find our bearings. The sail to Virgin Gorda was perfect. 15 to 20 knots winds is great in this boat. Captured a mooring ball, showers and hit the Bitter End Yacht Club for dry land and happy hour. First mistake of the day, we dinked over to Leverick Bay for a cocktail and then had to come back against wind and waves after dark. Another shower and off to dinner at Bitter End. Fantastic dinner, a few more pain killers and back to the yacht for, well, more pain killers. No AC needed, the breeze is blowing great. Fact is we didn’t run the generator all week for AC. We run the engine 2 hours in the morning and evening to keep the batteries up which keeps the refrigeration units running fine.

Second day in Virgin Gorda was more of the same, perfect weather. Lisa and I jumped ship at noon and met up with a cabbie at Gunn Creek for a day of adventure. An ex pat we met at Leverick gave us the number of a cabbie, Stambu, that would hang with us for a great island tour. He was great. We did The Baths, I of course slipped and almost became a Med Flight candidate, and we did some sightseeing around the island. He took us to one of the highest point on the island, the Hog Heaven bar and grill, that had the most wonderful view towards Virgin Gorda and the Bitter End. The people here are all very friendly. Our cabbie picked up about 15 kids (10 year olds) from the school, and we dropped them off at their houses. It was great fun!

A ferry ride back to the Bitter End Yacht Club from Gun Creek and then the water taxi back to the boat, a quick shower and off to dinner at Saba island. Saba is right next to the Bitter End. Dinner sucked. A great price, a buffet, but kind of like dinner at something even less than Golden Corral. The location was perfect; the food was about a 2 on a scale of 10.
Overnight on the yacht was again, perfect.
So now it’s Tuesday, and we plan to head to Anegada Island. A few hours sail in deep Caribbean water. The passing can be perfect or a nightmare. We had 18- 20 knot winds, 6 and the occasional 10 foot seas. The crossing was absolutely perfect. The approach makes my blood pressure steadily rise, water disappears under the boat and coral heads clearly show all around. The entrance channel shows 7ft on the finder, our yacht draws 6 feet……………. Once inside we found a mooring ball and quickly tied up. During the mooring ball maneuvering Dominic slipped and cut a toe, bled all over our nice white deck, in front of all the other yachties at anchor. I piloted in, so I had a drink and a cigar first off. Nerves calmed, all is good. I can smell the lobster grilling on the beach from here…. I must add, I never dreamed that I would make it here, Anegada Island. The view from anchor is breath taking. If you get down this way do not miss this island. It can be a little difficult to get to which makes it that much better to be here.
The mooring field filled up with cats and a few mono hulls, lots of people having lots of fun. The sailor girls are out in force and the view from our boat is stellar no matter which direction you look. The mooring guy came out and we paid up, $30. was the going rate all over the BVI’s. He suggested Whistling Pines for dinner. We took his suggestion and had a great lobster, drinks and a great sunset here. The seating is right on the beach, toes in the sand. As we sat down, Lisa leaned a little too far back in her chair and it slowly sank in the soft beach sand. She ended up on her back, feet in the air, laughing hysterically. Word of advice, take great care when approaching the beach, lots of coral and shallow water. Use the dingy docks for sure.
The next morning we went ashore at Potters (restaurant and dingy dock) and met up with a taxi driver named “Domo” and traveled around the island. Goats, white sand beaches, Tee shirts and pain killers. Late lunch at Cow Wreak,, God comes here for vacation I’m sure, or close by I think… Lobster lobster lobster. Best burger, cheese and bacon. Great service and on the beach with a view forever. If you can get here, you can rent a little beach side cottage, private, for not a lot of money. I can see coming back and hanging out.
Whistling Pines Restaurant

Potters Grill and Bar

Beach on Anegada

Another nice night on the boat. A little rain in the morning to wash the boat and a perfect sunrise. As we prepared to cast off we found our mooring lines had twisted around the shackle and mooring ball. The mooring guy in his little boat saved the day and off we sailed towards Jost Van Dyke. Again a perfect sail with great winds and seas.
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