SBH-Related Coronavirus Information

Were supposed to arrive there next Saturday the 21st from the states...had a villa booked through ERVR services....devastated. Have been planning this trip since last summer. :(
Here is the March 15 update from ARS, the regional health authority.

2 confirmed cases on St Martin, in the French-side hospital have now both tested negative, and are considered cured.
2 new confirmed cases on SBH, isolated at home. They returned from a cruise.

ars Point 11.jpg
Collectivité Press Release from earlier tonight, in French, followed by a Google Translate version in English:

La COMSTBARTH vous informe :

Communiqué de presse

Chers habitants de Saint-Barthélemy,

Face à l’évolution de la pandémie de Covid19 et des mesures prises à différents niveaux en France et à l’étranger, je sais que beaucoup d’entre vous sont très inquiets.
A l’heure où je m’adresse à vous, voici l’état exact de la situation:
-deux cas positifs de coronavirus ont été confirmés , comme l’ont annoncé le préfet de la Guadeloupe et la préfète de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin hier soir. Ces personnes ont été contaminées à l’extérieur de l’île. L’ARS avec l’aide de sa cellule contact travaille à identifier et isoler les personnes susceptibles d’avoir été contaminées.
-les trois personnes positives détectées il y a deux semaines sont toutes guéries. Je salue à cet égard leur attitude responsable et exemplaire pendant ces moments difficiles.
-la fermeture de certains établissements recevant du public, en particulier les bars, restaurants et discothèques, s’applique à Saint-Barthélemy dès ce soir.
-les écoles sont fermées. Toutefois, la continuité pédagogique sera assurée selon des modalités qui seront communiquées rapidement aux enfants et parents. Les assistantes maternelles peuvent continuer à recevoir des enfants.
-l’aéroport de Juliana ferme dans le sens des arrivées en provenance des Etats-Unis et de l’Europe à partir de mardi.
-la continuité territoriale continuera à être assurée entre les îles françaises et avec la métropole.
-les services de livraison ou de ventes à emporter des bars et restaurants restent autorisés.
-il n’y a pas de problèmes d’approvisionnement à ce stade.

J’appelle chacun à ne pas propager de rumeurs ou de fausses informations qui ne font que nourrir l’anxiété.
Depuis le début de cette crise, les autorités compétentes nationales et locales communiquent quotidiennement et en toute transparence. Restez donc à leur écoute.

Ces mesures collectives doivent permettre de ralentir la diffusion du virus. Toutefois, elles ne seront efficaces que si chacun d’entre nous fait preuve de responsabilité et de civisme.

Encore trop de personnes se serrent la main ou s’embrassent. Trop de personnes ne suivent pas les consignes d’hygiène. Trop de personnes revenant de zones à risque (la Chine, l’Europe ou des bateaux de croisières pour citer les plus importantes) ne s’imposent pas une quatorzaine ou au moins une certaine retenue sociale.

Cette vigilance individuelle doit permettre de se protéger, mais surtout de protéger les autres, son voisin, son collègue, ses amis, sa famille, ses aînés.

Je demande donc à chacun de respecter scrupuleusement les gestes barrières, de limiter ses activités sociales, de privilégier le télétravail quand c’est possible, de rester chez soi si on revient d’un séjour hors de l’île. Je pense notamment à nos jeunes partis aux études.

Toutes les mesures prises sont amenées à évoluer en fonction des circonstances. Restez à l’écoute.


English version, by Google Translate:

COMSTBARTH informs you:

Press release

Dear inhabitants of Saint-Barthélemy,

Faced with the evolution of the Covid19 pandemic and the measures taken at various levels in France and abroad, I know that many of you are very worried.
As I speak to you, here is the exact situation:
-two positive cases of coronavirus have been confirmed, as announced by the Prefect of Guadeloupe and the Prefect of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin yesterday evening. These people were infected outside the island. The ARS with the help of its contact cell works to identify and isolate people likely to have been infected.
-the three positive people detected two weeks ago are all healed. In this regard, I salute their responsible and exemplary attitude during these difficult times.
-the closure of certain establishments open to the public, in particular bars, restaurants and nightclubs, is being applied in Saint-Barthélemy this evening.
-the schools are closed. However, pedagogical continuity will be ensured according to methods which will be communicated quickly to children and parents. Childminders can continue to receive children.
-Juliana Airport closes in the direction of arrivals from the United States and Europe from Tuesday.
-Territorial continuity will continue to be ensured between the French islands and with the mainland.
-the delivery or takeaway sales services of bars and restaurants remain authorized.
-There are no supply issues at this stage.

I call on everyone not to spread rumors or false information that only fuel anxiety.
Since the start of this crisis, the competent national and local authorities have communicated daily and transparently. So stay tuned.

These collective measures should help slow the spread of the virus. However, they will only be effective if each of us shows responsibility and good citizenship.

Still too many people shake hands or kiss. Too many people do not follow hygiene guidelines. Too many people returning from risk areas (China, Europe or cruise ships to name the most important) do not impose a fortnight or at least some social restraint.

This individual vigilance must make it possible to protect themselves, but above all to protect others, their neighbor, their colleague, their friends, their family, their elders.

I therefore ask everyone to scrupulously respect the barrier gestures, limit their social activities, favor telework when possible, stay at home if you come back from a stay off the island. I am thinking in particular of our young people who have gone to school.

All measures taken are subject to change depending on the circumstances. Stay tuned.

Thank you for this current report and once again emphasizing guidelines to protect ALL people who are here on St Barths.

Open lines of communication are important during this period for keeping the populace informed of health issues and procedures.

We each must share the civic responsibility for containing this virus and protecting one another to the best of our abilities.

Let us be kind, let us be considerate and let us work to stop the spread of this virus.

Merci, President Magras
Thank you for this current report and once again emphasizing guidelines to protect ALL people who are here on St Barths.

Open lines of communication are important during this period for keeping the populace informed of health issues and procedures.

We each must share the civic responsibility for containing this virus and protecting one another to the best of our abilities.

Let us be kind, let us be considerate and let us work to stop the spread of this virus.

Merci, President Magras

Well stated, Amy. It’s a strange time indeed.
We are so very disappointed that we won’t be in SBH this week. Like many of you, we’ve been excitedly planning this trip for months. Because of things going on with work, etc., I can’t remember ever being so excited for an upcoming vacation. Alas, it wasn’t meant to be, but I know that all week we’ll find ourselves thinking of what we would have been doing if on the island.

That being said, I want to thank all of you for your continual updates and information. This was the ONLY resource where I could find timely updates, and it was invaluable during this time and very much appreciated. It’s a special community that helps you both plan and un-plan a trip :) Thanks again, and stay healthy, safe, and sane everyone. Here’s to the 2021 Bucket!
Sharon, I am sorry your plans fell through and I too believe things will get better.

As Grandma often told me. THIS TOO SHALL PASS.
March 16 patient update:

I haven't seen the usual ARS (regional health authority) post yet, but the information below comes from the Préfecture's FB post.

The previous 1 person SBH case and the 2 persons on St Martin are no longer listed, as they are determined to be cured.

2 new confirmed cases on SBH, isolated at home. They returned from a cruise.
no cruise ships will definitely be a blow to the economy here, yikes. however I think its a wise decision.

Interesting comment, Diana. I’ve always been of the impression that visitors from cruise ships contribute little to the local economy (cab drivers & Le Select perhaps being the exceptions).
From the Préfecture:

Prefet 2.png

By my understanding, this is essentially a travel ban.

Travel is permitted:

For work if you cannot telework.
To make essential purchases.
Visit a health professional.
Travel for healthcare or to visit a vulnerable person.
Exercise on on an individual basis and around your home.
March 16 patient update:

I haven't seen the usual ARS (regional health authority) post yet, but the information below comes from the Préfecture's FB post.

The previous 1 person SBH case and the 2 persons on St Martin are no longer listed, as they are determined to be cured.

2 new confirmed cases on SBH, isolated at home. They returned from a cruise.

Here is the offical March 16 update from ARS, the regional health authority:

ARS Point 12.jpg
Interesting comment, Diana. I’ve always been of the impression that visitors from cruise ships contribute little to the local economy (cab drivers & Le Select perhaps being the exceptions).

yes the majority of the cruise ship passengers might not be big shoppers or go to fancy restaurants, but they do frequent Le Repaire (location, location, location) and Le Slect as you noted, and probably buy t-shirts, etc.. But the ships also pay a docking fee per passenger (not sure how much or if it's based on all passengers or those who come ashore) so it does represent a revenue stream for the island...

the economy will definitely tank from the impact of covid-19
. . . the economy will definitely tank from the impact of covid-19

It’s not unique, of course. I’m unsure how to quantify the financial impact, & I expect that the duration of restrictions— as yet unknown — will reveal the story.
It’s not unique, of course. I’m unsure how to quantify the financial impact, & I expect that the duration of restrictions— as yet unknown — will reveal the story.

I can't help quantify that but the closer the pandemic comes to me, the more my thoughts go to the math with which I am familiar regarding hospital beds, ICU beds, and respirators, etc. The various projections are ominous - rapid overwhelming of what is available in the US (see for example this or this). I do not know the supply for the French Caribbean islands; France is better than the US in per capita hospital beds (by a factor of ~2) but is still being overwhelmed.

In terms of duration, the warning that the crisis could last through July/August brought up in today's WH press conference was likely not random. Spreading the peak of the epidemic curve over 4-5 months ("flattening the curve") is a reasonable estimate of what is needed for the US healthcare system to remain within its capacities. Those who try to figure out a cost/benefit for various measures apply different formulas for the statistical value of life. I'll leave that to them...

In the interest of keeping this thread focused on the official information that gets posted, mainly through Kevin's work, I'll just post this and head back to my bunker in anticipation of the day Kevin's efforts can be focused on restaurants 2021.

Here is the most recent message from Bruno Magras with a google translation:

Chers habitants de Saint-Barthélemy,

Le président de la République vient de s'adresser à la Nation.
Son constat est clair. Je vous le disais aussi hier. Trop de personnes ne s'astreignent pas au strict respect des gestes barrières, pourtant martelés en boucle à la radio, à la télévision, sur les réseaux sociaux ou dans la presse. Trop de personnes se bousculent dans les supermarchés et dévalisent des rayons au détriment de tous ceux qui font preuve de calme et de sens des responsabilités.

Ce manque de civisme, de solidarité et de bon sens conduit aujourd'hui le Gouvernement à prendre de nouvelles mesures plus strictes. Mme la préfète de Saint-Barthélemy et de Saint-Martin vient d'en détailler certaines modalités d'application locale.

Concrètement, nous devons tous limiter au maximum nos activités. Pas de réunions de famille, d'apéritifs ou de pique-nique entre amis, de sorties en groupe à la plage ou de journées en bateau à plusieurs.

Pour faire vos courses, soyez raisonnables et disciplinés. Respectez une distance dans les files d'attente. Je le répète : il n'y a pas de problèmes d'approvisionnement. Le transport maritime de marchandises fonctionne, le port de commerce est pleinement opérationnel. Si les comportements observés ces derniers jours persistent, nous serons conduits à prendre d'autres mesures pour les faire cesser.

J’en appelle aussi aux parents, en particulier ceux d’enfants revenus sur l’île récemment. Les mineurs doivent rester à la maison. Les regroupements, les sorties entre bande de copains sont interdits. Vous êtes responsables de vos enfants. Les mesures de confinement décidées ne sont pas synonymes de grandes vacances.

De manière très concrète, pendant 15 jours à compter du mardi 17 mars à midi, les déplacements sont interdits sauf dans les cas suivants et uniquement à condition d'être muni d'une attestation pour :
-Se déplacer de son domicile à son lieu de travail dès lors que le télétravail n’est pas possible ;
-Faire ses achats de première nécessité dans les commerces de proximité autorisés (voir la liste ci-dessous) ;
-Se rendre auprès d’un professionnel de santé ;
-Se déplacer pour la garde de ses enfants ou pour aider les personnes vulnérables à la stricte condition de respecter les gestes barrières ;
-Faire de l’exercice physique uniquement à titre individuel, autour du domicile et sans aucun rassemblement.
L'attestation nécessaire pour circuler sera disponible en ligne demain sur le site du Gouvernement. Ce sera à chacun de la remplir pour la présenter en cas de contrôle.
A défaut d’attestation, une amende sera appliquée. Son montant de 38 euros sera relevé dans les prochains jours à 135 euros.

S’agissant des établissements recevant du public (ERP), la plupart sont fermés depuis lundi matin, en particulier les bars, restaurants, boutiques de vêtements, coiffeurs. La vente à emporter est autorisée, mais à la condition que l’établissement gère la file d’attente. Pas d’attroupement.

L’arrêté du 15 mars 2020 (…)
précise les commerces pouvant demeurer ouverts. Parmi eux, il faut relever les garages, quincailleries, papeterie, marchands de journaux, banques, pharmacie, les commerces d’équipements informatiques ou de téléphonie et les activités de réparation de ces matériels, supermarchés et tout commerce alimentaire, y compris les cavistes.

S’agissant des liaisons maritimes et aériennes de passagers, des précisions viennent d’être apportées par les préfets de Guadeloupe et de la Martinique. Les déplacements entre les îles françaises et vers/depuis la métropole seront limités à trois situations : regroupement familial, obligation professionnelle nécessaire à la continuité des services essentiels, impératifs sanitaires.

Enfin, s’agissant des services de la Collectivité, ils seront fermés au public à compter de demain. L'accueil téléphonique est assuré dans des conditions normales et la prise de rendez-vous est possible en cas d'urgence. La continuité de service est bien sûr assurée pour l'ensemble des autres missions. Le port de commerce et l’aéroport fonctionnent parfaitement normalement.

Ces mesures collectives doivent permettre de ralentir la diffusion du virus. Toutefois, elles ne seront efficaces que si chacun d'entre nous fait preuve de responsabilité et de civisme.

Toutes les mesures prises sont amenées à évoluer en fonction des circonstances. Restez à l'écoute.


Dear inhabitants of Saint-Barthélemy,

The President of the Republic has just addressed the Nation.
His observation is clear. I also told you yesterday. Too many people do not adhere to strict compliance with barrier gestures, however hammered repeatedly on the radio, on television, on social networks or in the press. Too many people are jostling in supermarkets and robbing shelves at the expense of all those who show calm and sense of responsibility.

This lack of civility, solidarity and common sense leads the Government today to take new, stricter measures. The prefect of Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin has just detailed certain local application procedures.

Concretely, we must all limit our activities as much as possible. No family reunions, aperitifs or picnics with friends, group outings to the beach or days by boat for several.

To do your shopping, be reasonable and disciplined. Respect a distance in the queues. I repeat: there are no supply problems. The maritime transport of goods works, the commercial port is fully operational. If the behaviors observed in recent days persist, we will be led to take other measures to stop them.

I also appeal to parents, especially those of children who have recently returned to the island. Minors must stay at home. Groupings and outings between friends are prohibited. You are responsible for your children. The containment measures decided on are not synonymous with long vacations.

Very concretely, for 15 days from Tuesday, March 17 at noon, travel is prohibited except in the following cases and only provided that you have a certificate for:
- Move from home to work when telework is not possible;
-Purchasing basic necessities in authorized local shops (see the list below);
-Go to a health professional;
-To move for the care of his children or to help vulnerable people with the strict condition of respecting barrier gestures;
-Exercise physical activity only on an individual basis, around the home and without any gathering.
The certificate necessary to circulate will be available online tomorrow on the Government website. It will be up to each person to fill it out to present it in the event of an inspection.
Failing certification, a fine will be applied. Its amount of 38 euros will be raised in the coming days to 135 euros.

Most of the establishments open to the public (ERP) have been closed since Monday morning, in particular bars, restaurants, clothing stores, hairdressers. Take-out is allowed, but only if the establishment manages the queue. No crowds.

The decree of March 15, 2020 (…)
specifies the businesses that can remain open. Among them, there are garages, hardware stores, stationery, newsagents, banks, pharmacy, businesses of computer equipment or telephony and repair activities of these materials, supermarkets and all food trade, including wine merchants.

Regarding sea and air passenger connections, details have just been provided by the prefects of Guadeloupe and Martinique. Travel between the French islands and to / from the mainland will be limited to three situations: family reunification, professional obligation necessary for the continuity of essential services, health requirements.

Finally, with regard to the Community's services, they will be closed to the public from tomorrow. Telephone reception is provided under normal conditions and an appointment is possible in the event of an emergency. Service continuity is of course ensured for all other missions. The commercial port and the airport are operating normally.

These collective measures should help slow the spread of the virus. However, they will only be effective if each of us shows responsibility and good citizenship.

All measures taken are subject to change depending on the circumstances. Stay tuned.


Pursuant to article 1 of the decree of March 16, 2020 regulating travel within the framework of the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 virus:
I, the undersigned)

Ms. / Mr.

Born on:


:check1:certify that my trip is related to the following reason (check the box) authorized by article 1 of the decree of March 16, 2020 regulating travel as part of the fight against the spread of the Covid-19 virus:

:check1:trips between home and the place of exercise of the professional activity, when they are essential for the exercise of activities which cannot be organized in the form of telework (on permanent proof) or professional trips which cannot be deferred;

:check1:trips to make essential purchases in authorized establishments (list on;
travel for health reasons;

:check1:travel for compelling family reasons, for assistance to vulnerable persons or childcare;

:check1:short trips, near the home, linked to the individual physical activity of the people, excluding any collective sporting practice, and the needs of pets.

Done at ................................., on ........ / .... .... / 2020

Here is the March 17 update from ARS Guadeloupe:

New, 1 new case on St Martin, confined at home
Still 2 confirmed cases on St Barth, confined at home.

ARS Point 13.jpg

2 new confirmed cases on SBH, isolated at home. They returned from a cruise.