Curved road from the circle above airport to be somewhat straightened-


Senior Insider
We understand that it has been announced that the curvy road going down into the Public area will receive some ‘straightening’ and some landowners along the way are donating and selling some property to do so.
We saw this in the Saint Barth news.
Widening in a way is kind of ‘straightening’. Yes the curves will still be there but maybe not as tight. It’ll take some of the ‘fun’ of driving it away but will be safer.
Leaving town a little past the pharmacy a huge rock juts out..often scares the hell out me!
Someone finally mounted a row of reflectors on the huge rock that leaps out at you on the road from Lurin down to Saline. I think this thoughtful deed may have added years to my life.
As I understand it they are widening some of the curves, not "straightening" the road....


La route entre Public et la Tourmente sera adoucie

Les élus ont validé l’achat de parties de parcelles à Public, qui bordent la route entre le rond-point de la Tourmente et la zone industrielle. Objectif : élargir les virages pour améliorer la praticabilité de cette voie. « Tant qu’à reprendre les virages, il serait judicieux de reprendre aussi la pente pour l’adoucir », note Xavier Lédée (Unis pour Saint-Barthélemy). «C’est surtout que ce terrain dans l’angle est

constructible, alors que selon moi il ne devrait pas l’être car un bâtiment gênerait la visibilité pour les véhicules », renchérit Bruno Magras, qui informe que la propriétaire, d’accord avec ce constat, a accepté que sa parcelle soit rendue non constructible sur la future carte d’urbanisme en échange d’une terrain équivalent, constructible.

The road from Lurin down to Saline sure is a lot better than a number of years ago. We remember going up, praying we would not have to back up due to a truck encounter. Gave us the shivers each time we made that hairpin turn.