I Like That !


Senior Insider
". . . et à Saint-Jean, de larges trottoirs continueront d’être posés

pour sécuriser les piétons."

from Le Journal about continuing public works projects (new sidewalks added)
There are new sidewalks to carry you farther & farther, Hank! Looks like current construction may carry you to the top of the Camaruche hill!
This is great news for runners, too. It is hard to get a decent run in St. Barth without dodging cars and scooters.
The sidewalk work, by the way, Hank, seems to be directly tied to the project of putting electric wires underground . . . an EDF initiative. At top of the Camaruche hill, I don't know which way things will go . . . to the right, into Vitet . . . to the left, into Pte. Milou . . . straight ahead into Marigot and beyond? Whichever, expect significant traffic disruption. (Right now, traveling West, from Camaruche to Lorient, it's not uncommon to have a 15 minute delay. And then, of course, one cannot drive (unless you're a big risk-taker on a scooter) East from Lorient beyond Jojo's . . . the road is blocked in that direction for another month. The road through Grand Fond, thus, has become quite heavily traveled.
Dennis, if you run into le shérif, tell him straight ahead to Marigot and beyond for me. :nerd:
That stretch not a comfortable stroll for sure.
From this morning's Le Journal:

"La nécessaire remise à neuf de la route reliant le rond point de la Villa Créole à Saline a bien avancé. Là aussi, la réouverture est prévue avant Thanksgiving, su rune route refaite jusqu’au niveau du Sayolita. La deuxième tranche jusqu’au sommet du morne sera lancée en mai 2020. Si la route sera flambant neuve, avec trottoirs et éclairages publics . . ."

A Saint-Jean, entre l’aéroport et la Villa Créole, la dernière partie de trottoir doit être achevée le samedi 16 novembre. Cet aménagement apprécié des piétons a pu être réalisé grâce aux propriétaires qui cèdent des bandes de terrains, en échange de quoi la Collectivité leur construit des murs habillés de pierres . . ."

Yippee !

Oui, great news!

It brings to mind the imprint of Bruno Magras on SBH. Mind boggling in so many ways — new roads and sidewalks, buried utilities, expanded electric & water service, decorative stone walls, planning for new schools & parking, hurricane recoveries, public safety, a balanced budget for the Collectivié, and a local version of “Brexit.” Issues remain, no doubt — notably a need for affordable housing. It’ll also be interesting to see how the economy is managed as construction slows (much of it having been fueled by Irma-recovery).
à propos to the first quote, the sidewalks and lighting from Villa Créole to the pass on the way to Saline, when we stayed in Les Terrasses de Saint-Jean a while back, if those had been in, we could have walked to dinner at Le Piment. très sympa !