Sharing Excellent Books


Senior Insider
I have read many wonderful books recommended by forum readers so I like to share my "finds" accordingly. Two books from my recent list are standouts.

"Love and Summer" by William Trevor. Have you ever read a book that you immediately wanted to read again?! To the author of this book, William Trevor, writing is as natural as breathing. The Irish have always been fine storytellers and he is one of the best. He illustrates with his pen---remarkable. Sadly, he recently passed away but he left a score of superb examples of his craft. I hope to read as many as I can. I won't tell you about this little story----you have to read it for yourselves and, if you treasure the written word, you will thank me.

"The Home for Unwanted Girls" by Joanna Goodman. Based on true events, this book's setting is Quebec in the 1950-70 time frame during the era of Duplessis. The underlying animosity of French and English residents toward each other forms the backdrop. It tells of the cruel injustices of the orphanage system there when children born to unwed mothers were declared mentally ill.
Your book reading suggestions are terrific. I will add these to my list. Thank you Julianne.
Thank you, Julianne, for the recommendations. You and Amy inspire me to make more time for entertaining reading (as opposed to the work related material that consumes a lot of my time!).