Intriguing weather in 2018

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The usual update ...Atlantic still cold,and the heatwave in north Africa shows no sign of weakening

Do you remember the graph about ocean temperatures ?


After one of the coldest Aprils in U.S. history, last month delivered a stunning switch—the warmest May for the contiguous U.S. in records going back to 1895.

The usual update about ocean temperatures .....Still looking blue in the atlantic ,may it stay this year

Another note not about St Barth. I think the stock market is going to turn "user not friendly" soon,according to what i see.Play it safe,dear members of the forum .
I will make a bet with all the members of the forum
I bet the Nasdaq is going to rush up really quickly to a new all time high in the next few days,and the dow will do well too with stocks like Boeing
But this will last only a few days

I also make a bet about the hurricane season this year and the next 4 years...there will be no hurricanes because of the heatwave in North Africa this year...and El Nino the next 2 years

One message....Nothing to be scared or stressed about
Let's judge about my abilities to predict the future ,using logic....

And I adore St Barth
And another message....I think we should also support Helene Bernier from now on
I also think the idea of Marcio Kogan building a reference house on the island is just incredible
Did you read about new concrete like Ductal ? this is the future....and it will be amazing if we all work together to make it beautiful
. . . sorry to read your note, Chris. Very best wishes to you. I’ll look forward to your return to the ‘hood!
Chris, best wishes for a speedy and satisfactory resolution.

Given that Chris is unavailable, perhaps it’s time to close this thread, and revisit it at a later date.
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