Where Am I #3


Senior Insider
It's harder and harder to find new Where Am I photos. I've had so much good material to work with over the years, but I've used most of it. Here's a new image that caught my eye, likely more of Frantz Greaux's vending machine business.

There is a stationary store near Segeco. Is that it?

Bing Bing Bing - We have a Winner! The machines are on the Segeco side of Librairie Barnes, which sells books, stationary supplies, and art supplies. It also has a lottery terminal, which explains the background between the two machines.
Near Ocean Must? Jicky Marine?

Ocean Must, in the grey building with the red trim in the upper right corner of the photo, is an acceptable winning answer. I saw Karen's answer first, and awarded her the win. If an actual prize were being awarded, I might have had angst over "read first" vs. "posted first", and Ocean Must vs. the nearer stationary store.
On behalf of the academy of Kevin, I humbly accept this half award. Lol. We walk the loop every day on our vaca. Looking forward to our short stay starting July 1!