No morning flights to St. Maarten, May 10th?


SBH Insider
We're trying to book our flight from SBH -> SXM on 5/10 and find no morning flights available.

Assuming WinAir or SBC don't add to their schedule, is anyone planning a charter that needs 2 seats filled?

Somehow we are looking to connect to a 12:45 pm flight out of SXM.
I wouldn't rule out the ferry. The ride is almost always easier going from SBH to SXM.
Thanks for the quick replies Andy and Tim!
Saw the early-bird Grand Case flight and hoped we didn't have to leave that early. Being greedy. That may be the way to go.

I've never taken the ferry. We'd need to figure in time for the trip (one hour?) plus a taxi ride to Juliana? Does that sound right?
That sounds about right and depending on which ferry you take it could be a 30 minute taxi ride.
Take a dramamine well before you get on the ferry if you are prone to seasickness. The ocean can look calm but can quickly change.
The ferry is usually very calm going that direction. You should make it no problem on an 8 am ferry. Usually you can leave your rental car at the dock. It is a great option and a shorter taxi ride than from Grand Case.
My sense of adventure favored taking the ferry. However we did book that 8 am SBC flight to Grand Case.

i was holding out hope for a charter seat or perhaps a helicopter in transit back to SXM. Oh well. Next time.
Thanks all.