Happy Labor Day Weekend - heat wave and beaches closed

we saw this last night on the news. in the past i've received email updates from the town telling me what's what but not this time. I did remark to Dave last night that there must be more activity since they didn't close the beaches all summer.it's not going to stop me from going out there. I'll just dip in and out while we're on the outer beach. They can't police everywhere.
and now Nauset Beach is also closed....they saw three today cruising around it.....imagine if Coast Guard beach gets closed this weekend??...holy moly where will all these people go????....LOL

so hows that protect the seals plan working out for you now Dept of Marine Fisheries??????

freakin morons
Peter_NJ said:
What a drag.You guys better figure out how to deal with getting those sharks outta there.

the bay beaches are as numerous as the ocean beaches here and they are 100% safe....the problem is ocean beaches are National Seashore and bay beaches are town beaches where only town residents can go....they might need to tweak that a bit

or they can kill a few thousand seals and the sharks will move on down the road looking for greener pastures... }:|