Any Stephen Hunter Fans Here?


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I have never read any of Stephen Hunter's escape fiction. How about any of you? What do you think about his writing? Worth a beach book or two? (The name of his protagonist is Bob Lee Swagger, which brings to mind a piano-playing, crying, Southern TV preacher!)
Jimmie- I am always cryin- Lee Swaggart. I have not read Hunter but always open for new writers.
I'll see if my library has it free online. They have I Sniper and Dead Zero on Audio books but not E Books yet. Lots of hard covers tho. I'll check him out.
I picked up Havana. The library had a lot of his books but I didn't want to go back to 1993- times change. So I'll see if this is a good introduction.
I started Point of Impact last night. Early on there is a description of shooting a deer that I found disgusting, but got through it and otherwise it's pretty good, so far.
Finished Havana- nice little history of Castro's rise and the infighting between the US and Russia and the Mafia. According to the Epilogue a lot of it was true. The hero reminds me of the superhuman hero of Silva.
I just finished Hunter's Point of Impact. I liked it, mostly. Took too many climaxes to get all the bad guys killed. It had a difficult to read (for me) description of shooting a deer, but that worked itself out. Parts of it were very exciting. I already have another of his downloaded and will read it soon. Well worth a read if you don't have a new Grisham, Burke, Connelly, Silva, Flynn, Child or Baldacci.
I am working through that very same list of authors, Dick. You can add John Hart-he is also quite good