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Outta Here


Senior Insider
Well, I have said so long to phil62 and my airport ride is here.

I am so looking forward to seeing a lot of you at dinner tonight.

So bye for now-I will be back online after I get back home .

Hugs, A
LOL! And as far as I know, I don't have one with me - but we've been down that road too!

Only got lost once, but a quick detour by the Pentagon Car Pool lot got me found again. What did I do before GPS???


I am so happy for you Jim!! It look like you had many friends with you. My thoughts are with you and your family.My sincere condolence for your loss. I did not kwow Ms. Julie but I hear she was a GEM Hope to meet you in sbh at some point.God Bless you all.

Look at all of you! God bless! Thank you for including us. Oh, I am so moved by the friendship in this group. All the best, all the best...