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All this get togethering has sparked my desire to get together here again as we did for many years for a SBH dinner here in Philly. So I propose late

Philly SBH Dinner

I am not talking about the private cellar room- the wine bar has a large section of tables to the side- they have parties and large groups there all the time
Re: Philly SBH Dinner

Andynap said:
I am not talking about the private cellar room- the wine bar has a large section of tables to the side- they have parties and large groups there all the time

Ahh, the Il Bar area. That would be lovely. It we end up with 25 attendees then the wine cellar is an interesting option.
Bump this up since the other is done-LOL-

That this point there are the following:
Marge and husband
Marybeth and Husband
Theresa and Mike
Ellen and Rosemond
Phyllis and me

Dinner will be Friday, June 11- drinks at 6:30 dinner at 7:30 - I'll contact Panorama- and see what's available. This is their web site http://www.pennsviewhotel.com/ristorante_panorama/

Jims PMd me and said they can't come. Hopefully Ken and Mary can. I know there are others out there so I'll keep this up top as much as I can.
I am reaching out to the McKennas, John from Chester Springs (I forget his last name) and Sonya and Mike. The McKennas and Sonya has RSVPd for February and John wrote that he would like to attend a future dinner. Ricky and Jacqui also RSVPd, but I don't think his mind is on eating Italian food in Philly today.
Forget the world cup, at this rate it could still be the Flyers in the Stanley Cup playoffs... how about that wipe out last nite?
Andynap said:
Yes- so??

Andy, it is a very significant night for soccer fans.

Ellen, if the Flyers are still in action, we're finding a good bar afterwards and watching the game.
Philly SBH Dinner

Jeanette said:
Andynap said:
Yes- so??

Andy, it is a very significant night for soccer fans.

Ellen, if the Flyers are still in action, we're finding a good bar afterwards and watching the game.

Other than one or two posters I don't know anyone here who is a fan and if they are they already know about this game.

I just realized that the opening ceremonies for the Special Olympics in NJ are on June 11. My new employer is a national sponsor of the Special Olympics and hosting a pre-game welcome area and cheering section for the athletes. I need to be at this, so I will probably miss drinks and see the group later for dinner.

On another note, the Special Olympics will take place in cities across the country this summer, with the national games in Nebraska in July. If anybody has a passion for volunteering for this very meaningful cause, send me a PT. I was a finish line hugger at the Philly games and the experience has never left me.
Are there any more out there for the get together? I am going to dinner there tomorrow night and making the prenotazione . Grazie