The End of Cowboy Diplomacy


Senior Insider

Diplomacy for N. Korea and Iran? That sounds like what Kerry would do? And I though W was a real man. He's not a real cowboy - just likes to play one on TV. He also likes to play fighter pilot. What a wuss he is!
Oh, will you all just stop the whining?

all you lefties need to do is simple:
find a platform that the american people will vote for
find a candidate that can be elected.
(May I suggest 'she who cannot be named'? PRETTY PLEASE?????

Simple, no? so just mobilize and UNITE the anti-war 60's retreads, the tree-huggers and algore "Inconvenient Truth" crew, the GLTG gang, the happy warriors from the Daily Kos, the (largely irrelevant) Union vote, the Howard Deaniacs, the Al Sharpton wing of the black caucus, the silicon valley bazillionaires and their Hollywood buddies, + the gun control freaks and NARAL ladies and you win in a walk.

Now, get to work. My best to Susan Sarandon.
You really are getting desperate bringing up the 1960s. Stop it- its embarrassing even for a NYer. I wonder what Bush's legacy will be- Oh boy.
Bush legacy????..its huge...where does one start??

he created the biggest trade deficit ever
he made global enemies faster then he could kill them
he trashed the environment by easing restrictive laws on air and water
he did nothing for health care reform
he created the No Child Left Behind Act which now has many public school systems in a fiscal mess trying to do what it needs to do to adhere to the ridiculous demands of this policy, without any additional funding from state or federal government
he fought to not let gays marry
he reincarnated inflation, stagflation and the shrinking dollar
he somehow got involved in Terry Salvo
he took on terrorists with his now infamous "bring it on" comment.....2500+ deaths later he still isnt anywhere near defeating them as they continue to torment him with their resolve and cunning...can you say?...Viet Nam...deja vu
he let Bin Ladens family leave the country on 9/11 when our airspace was suppossedly shut down....why would we want to talk to them????.
he had a little problem with hurricanes...Katrina...FEMA
he fought stem cell research which could save lives
he implied many times that abortion is immoral even if its a case of incest or rape and even if the mothers life was in danger....he didnt have the cubes to aggressively take on Roe V Wade though
he completely ignored massive genocides, on a scale equal or greater to Hitler's genocide, occuring in Africa, while at the same time chastising Iraq and North Korea, and anyone else for that matter, for their human rights violations..but meanwhile his ol buddies in Saudi continue to conduct severing limbs of criminals who have committed non violent crimes....hmmmmmm
he had more in house resignations, firings, and defections then any modern day president..oh the books that will come out after he is gone!
he continues to insist that he doesnt care about popularity but to "do what he thinks is right"...uhmmmmm...and how is that working out for you Georgey boy???...LOL

the good news...its over soon....but being nether a Dem or a GOP and therefore having no bias either way, I have to say that Fred is right...the other side has no one who can save the day either...we re really kind of screwed here unless a hero emerges out of the dung heap....but really anyone that isnt from the Extreme Christian Right, with an Extreme Christian Right agenda, like we are enduring now, will be an improvement on some level at least.....from my view
First...I'm sorry about my spelling, but no spell check available.

Wow, here you go again tweedeldum and tweedeldee! You guys never learn......I would suggest you study history, politics, and just read, or go to a playground and watch the kids. The process is timeless and going on everywhere. You Polly Annas don't understand that the world is full of bad people. Bad people that would eat your lunch without a concern. Virtually any history book from any perspective (if you will study it and use your deductive and reasoning powers) will teach you a lot about what is going on in the world. You might even try reading would help you think. I'm amazed that we can look at the same events and come to such different conclusions. I'm further amazed that your continued obsession with GW completely confuses your every thought.

Let's look at Mike R's contentions: And no I didn't read the article ...but I get your drift!

1) He created the biggest trade deficit ever......I didn't think he could do that all alone in 6 years....somehow I think a Congress and the God allmighty himself.. Bill Clinton must have had something to do with it. Oh, you left out that the massive debt that the Bush Tax Cut would cause is paying down at record pace even though we're fighting a very expensive war against terrorism. But, lets don't give him credit for anything.
2)He made global enemies faster than he could kill them. Oh, I think he's killing them pretty fast and I'm glad he is. On one hand you take him to task for doing something and later you hit him for not doing something in Africa. I hope we move on to Africa. And it's about time for you to step up and demand that the world do something to help GW about these kinds of people. Believe me, these people are far more of a worry than you seem to realize. Why not think of this as an envnviromental issue....possibly then you'd understand and get on board.
3)He trashed the environment......Oh, get off it....the world has environmental problems everywhere and the US is more of a solution than a problem. This is just another of your buzz words.....You may disagree with some of his decisions but HE HASN'T TRASHED THE ENVIRONMENT! What do you see as the big problems that are not getting discussed. There is no law that says he has to agree with you on everything. He's doing what he thinks is right.
4)His no child left behind....Boy you're getting rediculous and I don't know where to start....I could go on and on on this one...Our schools are in the situation they're in because we have turned over control to the professional education idiots that don't teach.....they are strangling our educational system. Do you know anything about the NEA and have you ever been to a PTA meeting? Obviously you haven't or you wouldn't make these claims. There needs to be wholesale changes in our educational system. And, WHY should the federal gov't fund and control these issues.
5)He fought letting gays marry. He's always been up front about this issue...He's not for it. And for that matter, I don't care for it either, but the facts are.... this is just a stupid issue....gays can pretty much so whatever they want anyway in the US. Why do we spend time on this issue. Let society take care of this issue....But, the point is...he doesn't agree with you (and a lot of others don't agree with you..that's why there are 33 flavors). This is a personal issue that doen't need legislation. I like going nekkid with my lovely bride on the beach, but should I expect everyone of you to agree with me and let me do it everywhere whenever I want. No...I can't go to Congress or the government and get everything I want. Why can't you accept that and help him do the important things.
6) He reincarnated inflation and yada yada yada........Boy, he's a powerfull guy and here you go again...he's just the cause of everything bad in your life....but no.. Congress or nothing else contributed..that's assuming I agree that those things are really hurting the economy. I don't agree with you and neither do a significant number of "experts". Who died and made you the final authority on this issue. Just more of your buzz words/statements.
7.Terry Salvo.....personally, I thought that was a pretty gut wrenching situation and he had an opinion just as many others did.....quit trying to make GW sound like an idiot because he doesn't agree with you. Get your ego under control.
8)He took on terrorists........YES, YES, YES HE DID AND DON'T FORGET IT AND YOU SHOULD BE STANDING ON THE ROOFTOPS AND THE TALLEST MOUNTAINS AND YELLING OUT..."BRING IT ON!" JUS AS OUR BRAVE SOLDIERS DO AND LIKE THE PEOPLE ON THE 911 AIRLINERS.....REMEMBER.."LET'S ROLL!" This is the most difficult part of your stupid diatribe for me to understand. Read my lips....these are bad people and they're not hard to identify...because of people like you they get on world wide televison and are made to look like they have legitimate issues. WAKE-UP AND SMELL THE NAPALM.....How you can talk about their resolve and cunning and how they continue to torment Bush if you admire's sick. These people are far from anything except a rabid animal that should be hunted down and killed. And that's what our brave soldiers are doing. Yes, it's cost us 2500+ brave people but theother side's leaders can't come out in day light...they live in caves and send out the young and stupid to kill whoever they can. I just don't understand how you can feel like you make your statements about the environment, schools, and whatever.....but the fact is that there are groups of people committed to ending everything as we know it and killing your wife and children and the world will not get together and stop it! Why doen't that make your blood boil? Why aren't you standing next to GW and why aren't you demanding the same of your elected officials. All you need to do is read history or watch the 50's sci-fi movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still."
9)Let Bin Ladin's family leave on 911----Well, GW is responsible for everything.. I guess he was standing at the gate and didn't have anything else to do.
10)He had a problem with Katrina........Oh, I guess the democratic party that had been in control for how long in Louisiana had everything OK. Get off this ....Never had it happened where so many people were plain stupid and didn't have insurance. This was a huge boondogle but how you can lay it at GW's feet is beyond me. A lot of people made stupid mistakes.
11)Stem cells----Again, he disagrees with you and it doen't make him stupid.
12)Ditto #11.
13)Africa and the Saudis----He hasn't ignored anything and he can't control everything-----why aren't you doing somthing about some of these things instead of going on a vacation website with your buddies and calling GW names. Why don't you get up off your butt and realize that we are in a WAR for our very existence and demand that everyone get behind our president.....why don't you get the French and Germans to help. I can't believe you can't see who the bad guys are. You should probably listen to conservative talk radio like Mike Savage and others. How's that for advice?
14)More resignations........another of you buzz words/phrases. After enduring Clinton, I don't see how you can say anything like this. Just remember guys....if the dems would have dumped Clinton as they should have GW would have never been elected. Al Gore would have run as prez and probably won.
15)Christian Right----This one is laughable...Yes the EXTREME Christrian Right...are bad to the bone but boy those cunning and resolute terrorists are OK. I don't see that agenda taking over the country......far from it, this is a great country and the future of the world depends on it and if we have to be the police of the world be it!

Well I guess I've said enough and ruffled enough feathers---my lovely bride and equally lovely and intelligent daughter are yelling at me to come watch "Wall Street" or "Sleepless in Seatle" and leave those poor idiots on the website alone!

Well you guys had better pray the cowboys are still on their horses taking care of business so we can go about our daily important lives.
Im trying to get ready for work and I am afraid I wont be able to concentrate on work when I get there, until this burning question is ansered

is AndyNap twiddledee and I twiddledum....or vice versa???
Okay. I think I get it. There are bad guys in the world. There are people in the world who don't think like we do and don't have the same "values" we do. They want to kill us. We should kill all the bad people, the ones who don't think like we do and the ones who don't have the same "values" we do.

Lets see if we can lighten this up a little bit:

George Bush goes to a primary school to talk to the kids to get a
Little PR. After his talk he offers question time. One little boy puts
Up his hand and George asks him his name.

"Stanley," responds the little boy.

"And what is your question, Stanley?"

"I have 4 questions: First, why did the USA invade Iraq without the
Support of the UN? Second, why are you President when Al Gore got more
Votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?" Fourth, why are we
So worried about gay-marriage when 1/2 of all Americans don't have
Health insurance?

Just then, the bell rings for recess. George Bush informs the kiddies
That they will continue after recess.

When they resume George says, "OK, where were we? Oh, that's right:
Question time. Who has a question?"

Another little boy puts up his hand. George points him out and asks him
His name.

"Steve," he responds.

"And what is your question, Steve?"

"Actually, I have 6 questions. First, why did the USA invade Iraq
Without the support of the UN? Second, why are you President when Al
Gore got more votes? Third, whatever happened to Osama Bin Laden?
Fourth, why are we so worried about gay marriage when 1/2 of all
Americans don't have health insurance? Fifth, why did the recess bell
go off 20 minutes early? And sixth, what the hell happened to Stanley?"

Hail to the Chief!
QUOTE:"is AndyNap twiddledee and I twiddledum....or vice versa??? "

I think I be the dum and to echo Eddie's response- "HUH?"

Actually, these are better responses than I had expected. I didn't really expect to change any of your positions. I just wanted you to think about the serious situation we're facing. But, as usual, you're too consumed with hatred for Bush and unable to think.

Rivertrash---You're right, but that's not what I said and you know it. I don't understand how you can not recognize who the bad guys are that I'm talking about. It's interesting that you focus on me and my "values"----but you can't focus on the values of the people that would gladly kill you, your family, and destroy everything in their path. Are you familiar with the way the taliban ruled, prior to our putting an end to their party? It was more than a discussion of values. I wonder how they would handle your gay marriage issue? Ponder that and get back to my people.

fins85258----Thanks for the levity....I always enjoy a good story. Since GW probably won't answer, let me'll get a good laugh......
Re: the UN--do I really have to explain this one to you? Do you know anything about the UN and how it works.....Let's just say that the world is a better place because we didn't wait for the UN.
Re: Al Gore---The Constitution is very clear in how the President is elected. By the way, Gore did not get more votes. Any way, if you libs had the balls to ditch Clinton, Gore would be president.
Re: Osama----He's living in a cave, afraid to use a phone, travels by night, and is planning to kill you and all your friends. You probably wouldn't even have a school if Osama was around. Osama would have you learning to detonate a bomb around your waist so you could screw 72 virgins. You might ask your buddy fins85258 why he's more worried about GW than Osama.
Re: Gay marriage and health ins----What the hell does gay marriage have to do with health ins? Why can't someone disagree with your position on gays without you calling them stupid? Why does the federal gov't have to solve the health ins issue? And, why do these issues translate into GW hatred---you guys need to get a grip.

Do you people remember 911? Do you know what's going on in the world? Have you heard of the horrible venom that is coming our way? Do you understand that the only way you can continue to have your opinions is because of the brave men and women in the military and the people that have stood up to your ilk and have put the US in a position of strength. It's time for you to read a little history and learn.

I reread the posts. No one called you "stupid". You, however referred to us "liberals" as the "idiots on the website".
You may want to re-read it again. I believe that most of the posts bashing Bush try to paint GW as stupid. And, it's always because he dosen't believe the same as you. The man is very upfront about his beliefs, and he has a right to his beliefs. So do I and So do you---that's America.

Now the second part....I never called y'all idiots.....that was my lovely bride and my lovely daughter! And, they are soooo smart!

You really need to think about what I've said---get behind the Pres and defeat the terrorists..........then you can worry about the other things.
I don't think you'll find any arguments against the war in Afghanistan, even from liberals. They're the country that sponsored 9/11. There are more than a few of us who think Iraq was, and is, a mistake. Contrary to what Dick Cheney says, disagreeing with the President does not make us traitors. Liberals love America just as much as Conservatives.

And I've met most of the people in this thread. Idiots, they're not.
Eddie....I was being funny about the "idiots" thing even though I haven't met most of the posters. But I do find it interesting that it bothers you so much.....I think that if you'll honestly read the posts that are frequently aimed at GW you'll agree that the tendency is to assert that he's stupid or an idiot.

Also, don't use the "for Afganistan", this is a world war....and you're either for or agin'!!!!!!!