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Last night was cool and crisp. We have the sound of crunching snow under foot. Clear and bright shown Orion in the winter southern sky. A true sign.N


Senior Insider
Saw Orion Last Night

Last night was cool and crisp. We have the sound of crunching snow under foot. Clear and bright shown Orion in the winter southern sky. A true sign.Now I am really ready to go to St Barth. Our coundown is under a thousand hours.
One of my very favorite things to do on st barth is parking the car on the far side of the island near the pull off by washing machine.
There is no light pollution and the stars are truely amazing. In fact there are enough stars to nearly drown out Orion. I hope you will all take the long way home some night during you visit and pull over to enjoy a sight nearly impossible to see at home.
Re: Saw Orion Last Night

Thanks Jack, we will try that. It's only about 5 mins from our villa.
Re: Saw Orion Last Night

I am not familiar with "washing machine" and am unclear where the "far" end of the island is. Could you explain as I would like to see the stars there and will be there in one month.
Re: Saw Orion Last Night

Lets say you drive past the sereno beach hotel. Then you make the big turn past Le Toiny. Follow that road long enough and you will make a loop back past the inland road to saline.You end up by the catholich church in Lorient. On the straight section past le toiny there is a small pull off just before the road turns back away from the ocean. I'd suggest doing this drive during the day to get familiar, but you cannot get lost.
There are very few houses on that south side of the island. So there is zero nightime light pollution and the real stars are fantastic. The larger hill Mornde is between the washing machine and saline beach. I have read of drownings that occur so I strongly advise NOT swimming along this area. Check it out on the map.
As with almost anywhere on St Barth you are almost 5 minutes from where you were.