Attempted robbery in a jewelry store in Gustavia


Senior Insider
A Gustavia jewelry store was the victim of an attempted robbery on the afternoon of Wednesday 10 November. The thugs fled after the employees sounded the alarm bells.


The facts happened on Wednesday November 10th. It is around 4 pm and the center of Gustavia is punctuated by an activity specific to the launch of the season. Vehicle traffic is relatively dense and many people walk the streets, going from shop to shop before settling on the terrace of establishments offering cold drinks and catering. Like all merchants in the city, the employees of the Goldfinger jewelry store greet customers who pass through their store's door. But around 4 p.m., when two masked men walk in, the employees quickly realize that they haven't come for a purchase.

Alarm and smoke

In fact, at least one of the men carries a gun. Quickly, the warning signal was triggered. An alarm then begins to sound throughout the neighborhood. At the same time, smoke bombs

During the attempted armed robbery at a jewelry store in Gustavia on Wednesday, November 10, activation of the security system triggered an alarm and released smoke in the store.
In the jewelry store, customers observe the scene, sometimes in disbelief, often with indifference. Gendarmerie patrols set off in search of the fleeing thugs while the order is given to delay the departure of the ferry to Saint-Martin in order to check the passengers. For nearly three hours, the police will take samples from the jewelry store, looking for the slightest trace of the robbers. The employees, unharmed but obviously shocked by the incident, gave their side to the investigators.

Yesterday, a week after the incident, the perpetrators of the attempted robbery were still not arrested.

Second robbery in less than a year

This is the second armed robbery at a jewelry store in Gustavia in less than a year. The previous one took place on December 16, 2020 at the Diamond Genesis. The amount of theft does not have been exposed and, in the absence of communication from the gendarmerie or the prosecution, it is easy to conclude that the perpetrators were not apprehended.

A few months later, on March 21, 2021, the Time store was robbed. Not in broad daylight or at gunpoint, but at night, in peace. Indeed, the burglars entered the store for the first time to steal merchandise. For fear of seeing security guards or, worse, the gendarmerie, they quickly left the scene with their booty. However, seeing no one intervene, they quietly returned to the jewelry store to empty the windows of their contents. Once their bags were full, they left discreetly behind the wheel of a car previously stolen on the island. As with the previous robbery, the perpetrator (s) are still running.
Robbery? Guns? Not what you want to see here at all! As Red Buttons used to say, STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING! And certainly, IMHO,
it is time to strengthen security in shops and living quarters island wide.
Des inquiétudes après une nouvelle tentative de cambriolage dans une bijouterie

Pour la deuxième fois en à peine plus d’un an, la bijouterie Diamond Genesis a été victime d’une tentative de cambriolage, dans la nuit du 2 au 3 janvier. Un acte déjoué grâce au système de surveillance mais qui inquiète la directrice de l’établissement, qui y voit une dégradation progressive de la sécurité à Saint-Barthélemy. Difficile de commencer plus mal une nouvelle année. A peine plus d’un an après une tentative de braquage, le 16 décembre 2020, la bijouterie Diamond Genesis, à Gustavia, a été la victime d’une tentative de cambriolage dans la nuit du dimanche 2 au lundi 3 janvier. Juste une tentative, grâce à la vigilance de la direction et à un système de surveillance efficace. Toutefois, ce nouvel acte criminel inquiète la directrice de l’établissement. Elle y voit une dégradation progressive et préoccupante du climat de sécurité qui fait la réputation de Saint-Barthélemy.
Les cambrioleurs ont attaqué leurs basses œuvres la veille des faits. En effet, selon les premières constatations effectuées par les enquêteurs de la gendarmerie, après avoir repéré les lieux, les malfrats ont commencé à se frayer un accès à la bijouterie dans la nuit du samedi 1
er au dimanche 2 janvier. Cette première étape franchie, ils sont tranquillement revenus le lendemain pour poursuivre leur entreprise délictueuse. Inutile de s’étendre sur le modus operandi, qui relève d’un tra- vail de professionnel. De fait, le matériel découvert sur place ne laisse guère de doute quant au savoir-faire et à l’organisation des auteurs de la tentative.

Un malfaiteur interpellé

Si le cambriolage n’a pu aller à son terme, c’est en grande partie en raison de la qualité du système de surveillance. Mais aussi, et surtout, à la vigilance de la directrice. Celle-ci raconte le déroulement des faits, après que les malfaiteurs sont parvenus à entrer dans les locaux mais pas dans la boutique. « Ils sont restés un bon moment, assure la dirigeante. Ils pensaient qu’ ils avaient neutralisé l’ alarme et la télésurveillance mais ils n’ ont pas tout coupé. » La directrice reçoit un premier appel de la société de sécurité vers 22 heures, puis un second à 23h30. « J’ai alors décidé de passer du temps devant l’ écran pour regarder les images des cameras, explique-t-elle. J’ ai fini par voir deux hommes encagoulés qui s’ apprêtaient à entrer dans la bijouterie. » Elle déclenche alors une intervention.

Elle se rend immédiatement sur place après avoir alerté la gendarmerie. Les cambrioleurs prennent la fuite mais un seul parvient à s’échapper. Son complice est interpellé. Une arrestation qui ait date puisque dans les quelques affaires criminelles survenues lors des 13 dernier mois, c’est la première fois qu’un auteur se retrouve sous les verrous. Depuis, il a été transféré en Guadeloupe où il est incarcéré. Une enquête judiciaire a été ouverte par le procureur de la République. Le malfai- teur interpellé est Saint-Marti- nois, tout comme semble l’être son comparse en fuite.

Quelles solutions pour préserver la sécurité ?

Au-delà de la nouvelle tentative de cambriolage subie et des frayeurs qu’elle engendre, c’est une réflexion générale sur l’évolution de la situation sur l’île et de la dégradation progressive de la sécurité qui occupe l’esprit de la directrice de la bijouterie. «
[FONT=STselection !important]Ce qui me perturbe, c’ est de constater qu’ ils étaient aussi bien pré- parés, [/FONT]remarque-t-elle. [FONT=STselection !important]La dernière fois, j’ avais organisé une réunion avec tous les bijoutiers, la gendarmerie et la Collectivité pour réfléchir à des solutions. Ça n’ a pas donné grand-chose. [/FONT]» Pour elle, il est grand temps de prendre conscience des changements qui s’opèrent à Saint-Barth. « [FONT=STselection !important]Il faut trouver des solutions[/FONT], lance-t-elle. [FONT=STselection !important]Moi je suis bien équipée mais s’ ils s’ attaquent à quelqu’ un qui l’ est moins bien ? Jusqu’ où cela va-t-il aller ? On va se retrouver saucissonné à son domicile ? S’ il n’ y a pas plus de moyens, plus de gendarmes, peut-être faut-il encourager l’ installation d’ une société privée compétente. On a quelqu’ un sur l’ île qui possède les diplômes et qui est prêt à se lancer mais le problème est toujours le même : trouver des logements. Il faut aider les gens qui ont les agréments à s’ installer. [/FONT]»
Parallèlement à la tentative de cambriolage subie par Diamond Genesis, de nombreux vols ont été constatés dans des villas tout au long des dernières semaines. Une « [FONT=STselection !important]nouvelle tendance [/FONT]», à en croire certains professionnels du secteur locatif à Saint- Barth.
[FONT=STselection !important]T.F.[/FONT]
not only another jewelry store burglary but reports of "numerous" villa thefts all during the previous weeks. A disturbing new trend, it's thought. À suivre . . .

at least, one of the perps was apprehended and is in custody in Guadeloupe. a professional job. perps from saint-martin.
not only another jewelry store burglary but reports of "numerous" villa thefts all during the previous weeks. A disturbing new trend, it's thought. À suivre . . .

at least, one of the perps was apprehended and is in custody in Guadeloupe. a professional job. perps from saint-martin.
Wasn't this a trend a few years ago?

I recall a few disturbing stories of folks waking up to someone in their bedroom.
Safety and security has always been a given. In the early days of our travels to St. Barth's we never locked our doors and by accident, have occasionally left a item in an unlocked car in Gustavia, only to discover it there upon our return. Things have changed, personal safety I believe is not an issue, but security is clearly becoming one. The questions are, why this trend, what has changed?
Safety and security has always been a given. In the early days of our travels to St. Barth's we never locked our doors and by accident, have occasionally left a item in an unlocked car in Gustavia, only to discover it there upon our return. Things have changed, personal safety I believe is not an issue, but security is clearly becoming one. The questions are, why this trend, what has changed?

What has changed is that the media endlessly calls St Barth the island of millionaires and now billionaires, it gives people ideas!
Ellen, they have been saying that for a very long time. Do you believe there is a growing divide between that haves and have nots on island that may be contributing? I wonder if there are statistics that tell us what percentage of the thefts are form off island perpetrators.
Ellen, they have been saying that for a very long time. Do you believe there is a growing divide between that haves and have nots on island that may be contributing? I wonder if there are statistics that tell us what percentage of the thefts are form off island perpetrators.

growing divide between Jeff Bezos and the rest of the world!
Mario, personally I think it is off shore raiding parties and not a home grown crime spree.
Mario, personally I think it is off shore raiding parties and not a home grown crime spree.

Amy, we live in Toronto, not far from the downtown core. There are a multitude of community newspapers within the city, the one in our community, like most others, has a Police Blotter section listing crime news. I'm always taken aback at the amount of crime that's taking place in our immediate community. Most of it is non physical, more likebreak and enters, car theft and so on. It goes on everywhere and I guess St Barth's isn't exempt but it's very unsettling to think of a store robbery where guns were involved. Going forward I wonder if more stringent border controls will be put in place.

Robbery? Guns? Not what you want to see here at all! As Red Buttons used to say, STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING! And certainly, IMHO,
it is time to strengthen security in shops and living quarters island wide.

Mario, I posted this in November. I agree.
I wonder how preventable this could have been had all of St Barths law enforcement resources had not been used to set up an early evening sting outside the the red wine section at Marche U, or making sure a couple on their honeymoon didn't didn't get desert too late at Tamarin.
I wonder how preventable this could have been had all of St Barths law enforcement resources had not been used to set up an early evening sting outside the the red wine section at Marche U, or making sure a couple on their honeymoon didn't didn't get desert too late at Tamarin.
