Turning of pages for Maya restaurants


Senior Insider
The Restaurant — renovations underway.

To Go
— announced this week: Under new ownership, the café, to be managed & operated by an affiliate of Eden Rock, will be a center for (a) providing food & beverage service in connection with the growing needs of Eden Rock Villas & (b) service to the public, much the same as was done when it was “Maya’s To Go.”

Ownership of the two — Restaurant & To Go — is said to be totally separate.

Eager to see the new incarnations . . . “big shoes” to fill after Maya’s 38 years of island restaurantership.
Did ER buy Maya's restaurant as well as MTG??
No . . . bought by folks said to be associated with “Restaurant Balagan” in Paris. Also important to understand, as explained to me, that ER didn’t “buy” Maya’s To Go, but will be operating it under an arrangement with the buyer.
Seeing those pictures makes me sad

I understand & also was sad to see it, but thought that SBH Online folks would be interested in seeing that the project is underway — looking for a November opening. Meanwhile, much deserved happiness for Randy & Maya . . . after 38 years of hard work, it’s great to know that they’re able to relax now.