Le Christopher répond aux dimensions environnementales de la Collectivité


Senior Insider
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Christopher responds to the environmental dimensions of the Collectivity
The owners, Mrs and Mrs Terrassoux, have taken advantage of the presence of the Minister of the Outreach to officially inaugurate their establishment in Pointe-Milou.
Following a succession of ales, Irma in September 2017, the fire in February 2018 which destroyed the restaurant, the owners of the hotel Le Christopher, Mr. and Mrs. Terrassoux, benefited from the closing of the hotel during the sanitary crisis to engage in important work on the water treatment system, in order to respond to the environmental dimensions requested by the Collectivité. The Pointe Milou establishment is equipped with a recent cleaning station that allows it to irrigate its gardens thanks to the water treated. It considers notam- ment to reduce 2% sa
water and energy consumption and utilize 40% of eco-labeled cleaning products. It also carries the Green Globe international label, which reimburses tourism professionals for adopting an environmental and social management of their activities. “The first objective this year is to be certified. Then this certification will be postponed », explains Yohan Adam, Deputy Director.
In the presence of the Prefect Serge Gouteyron and the President of the Collectivité Bruno Magras, Sébastien Lecornu Minister of the Outre-mer cut the inaugural ruban of the hotel.
